
We believe membership benefits you personally and strengthens our entire church family.

To become a member, simply:

1. Agree with the essentials of our What We Believe Statement

2. Fill out the Membership Form

3. Testify to two elders of your salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why become a member?

We believe membership benefits you personally and strengthens our entire church family. Membership gives you:

  • A sense of belonging, contribution, and unity
  • A voice in the direction of the church
  • Spiritual benefits such as support and encouragement from your church family and expanded opportunities to use your gifts in ministry
  • A personal stake in the vision of HCBCGT

What's the difference between a member and a regular attendee?

In addition to the fact that members have made an upfront commitment to discipleship and a greater investment in the life of our church... only those committed to membership can:

  • Vote in congregational meetings for: purchase of real property, confirming a Sr. Pastor, terminating a Sr. Pastor, confirming elders, and amending the Principles & Practices.
  • Serve in primary leadership roles, lead teaching positions, and be considered as an elder candidate.