A Word from the Elders - August 30, 2024
We know there are questions about where we are and where we’re going as a church during this senior pastor transition. First and foremost, our mission remains unchanged: We want to reach every man, woman and child with the good news of the grace of Jesus. While we continue to work toward that goal, the Elder Board is diligently seeking God’s direction on finding the right man to fill the vacant pastor position and join us in that mission. We’re seeking His guidance on the process He wants us to follow, the people we should involve in the process, the right candidates to consider and ultimately the one He’s prepared to join us.
While we’ve already received resumes for the position, we have not as yet taken any action on them. There are a number of questions we’ve been working to answer and internal processes to update. We will also be drafting a revised Principles and Practices document, which includes the primary duties of the Senior Pastor, to be presented to the church membership for a vote. This and other actions are needed to help prepare the way for our new Senior Pastor to be successful. When that candidate is found, we will call for a vote for church members to approve or reject. We’ll make sure there are plenty of opportunities for the congregation to get to know him before that happens. Please continue to pray for us in that work.
We are pleased to announce that we’ve hired Nadia Grutas as our new Administrative Assistant. This is a position we planned for in our budget this year to provide support for the Executive Team, the Elder Board as needed, and our Treasurer. Nadia has already demonstrated her gifting as our Connections Team Lead and will continue in that role, and we’re very excited for her to be a bigger part of the team!
On a related note, Don Wallace, who has been our treasurer for 20 years, has asked for a replacement so he and Delores can enjoy retirement, spend more time with family, and travel more. He’ll still be a big part of HCBCGT, but we are pleased to announce that Diane Gulling (Sun City campus) has accepted the role of Treasurer for the church. This is a voluntary role and she brings a long history as a CPA with her into this position. We’re very excited to benefit from her wisdom and experience. We’re also deeply grateful for the many years Don devoted himself to helping us be good stewards with the funds God has sent us. Please pray for a smooth transition as they work together to make the hand-off.
State of the Church
Summertime has always meant a drop in attendance as people spend time on vacation and other summer activities, and this summer has been no exception.
Our staff have done an excellent job maintaining continuity and the quality of our services, and the Board is working to provide the support and guidance they need for continued spiritual growth and skill development. We deeply appreciate all the work they’ve put into helping us grow as a church.
By God’s loving provision and grace, we are very healthy financially. We currently have no debt of any kind and have funds in reserve for current and future needs. However, as you may have noticed in our weekly financial updates, offerings are currently down. While this is quite common during the summer, they are slightly lower than normal this summer. The elders are paying close attention and will make adjustments as needed. We appreciate your prayerful and cheerful generosity, and God is faithful to honor it! (Psa 112:5).
A Final Note
Change is always challenging and sometimes leaves us susceptible to fear or other responses that come from the flesh. It’s important to note (as Pastor Mike has said repeatedly) that nothing we’re experiencing has caught God off-guard or caused Him to wring His hands. Each of us must be careful not to incite fear in others or say things that might result in division. If you have concerns, bring them to one of our pastors or elders so we can have the opportunity to look into them and address them as we’re able. Please be assured that we are diligently seeking God’s help and guidance in meeting the needs of our church family and each individual in it as He directs.
Check back on this page for future updates!