The Philippine Project

Teaching, Equipping and Connecting

Mission Statement

To reach every man woman and child in the Philippines with the good news of Salvation given to us from God’s grace by Faith alone in Christ alone.

Vision Statement

To facilitate the development of Christian ministries throughout the Philippine islands, by providing a wide array of ministerial developmental tools, while also providing a comprehensive pastor retreat program. This program will be open to all denominations of Christ followers help to bring a fullness and maturity to the body of Christ.

(Ephesians 4:11-16)

We are accomplishing this by developing a pastor retreat and resource center to serve all denominations of the Christian faith. This outreach will help provide:

·      Tagalog Bibles 

·      Funds for food for children in impoverished areas

·      Help with transportation costs for student events and Sunday services 

·      Ministry development resources (ex. Children’s, VBS, Youth, Addiction, Marriage, Men’s, Women’s and bible studies etc.)

We also anticipate funding directors for programs like the Ukulele ministry to take these kinds of programs to the many adjacent islands wanting to initiate these ministries.


Mike and Deb Durnin

Mike and Deb Durnin have been in the mission field for over 20 years. They first visited the Philippines in January of 2015 on a vacation trip. They knew they wanted to get back into mission service after taking a short break to help with a family crisis. God literally spoke to them and said, "Welcome home" on their trip to Tablas Island. God has led them by opening doors to pastors from multiple denominations sharing the vision of bringing the body of Christ together as we are challenged in Eph 4: 11-13:

"So, Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

Jon and Jan Porter

Jon and Jan Porter felt called to come to Tablas in the fall of 2015. Jon had always had a desire to teach children how to pay the ukulele. Jan and Jon started teaching 3 kids at a small local church in 2015, and by 2019 they had taught over 1500 kids. They presented  over 500 kids on stage playing ukulele for the 2019 Jesus Reigns Concert. These children and young adults represented ten different churches and 5 denominations of Christianity, all praising Jesus in worship and song. Jon hopes to reproduce himself and train a native filipino to take the reins of this amazing ministry.

2019 Romblon Christian Ukulele Ensemble


Currently we are raising funds in the US through Hill Country Bible Church Georgetown. Funds can be directed to the Philippine Project by clicking here. Our current goal is to raise 2 million dollars over the next three years. We have a potential donor who is willing to match funds raised up to 1 million dollars. Our commitment is also to keep total administrative costs below 20% to ensure donations actually provide the services intended.

Outreach Programs

Ukulele Ministry
VBS Programs
Bible Deliveries
Children's Food Program