Georgetown Campus Restroom Remodel! May 15 - June 26

Systematic Theology

A Men's Ministry Class

What is Bibliology?

Bibliology is the study of the Bible, the Word of God. the Bible is the inspired source of knowledge about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and eternity. Without a proper view of the Bible, our views on these and other issues become clouded and distorted. Bibliology tells us what the Bible is!

Common questions in Bibliology are:

Is the Bible truly God's Word?

What is the canon of Scripture?

What does it mean that the Bible is "inspired"?

Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions or discrepancies?

IS there proof for the inspiration of the Bible?

We will address these and other topics during the duration of this course!

Date: Thursdays, starting September 28th

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: HCBCGT 4th & 5th grade room (in the Kid's wing)

Fill out the form below to sign up or leave a question/comment.